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Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Participants : Cordelia Schmid, Jakob Verbeek, Julien Mairal, Karteek Alahari, Pauline Luc, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Mathilde Caron.

The collaboration started in 2016. The topics include image retrieval with CNN based descriptors, weakly supervised object detection and semantic segmentation, and learning structured models for action recognition in videos. In 2016, Pauline Luc started her PhD funded by a CIFRE grant, jointly supervised by Jakob Verbeek (Inria) and Camille Couprie (Facebook AI Research). THOTH has been selected in 2016 as a recipient for the Facebook GPU Partnership program. In this context Facebook has donated two state-of-the-art servers with 8 GPUs. In 2017, Alexandre Sablayrolles started his CIFRE grant, jointly supervised by Cordelia Schmid, and Herve Jegou and Matthijs Douze at Facebook AI Research. In 2018, Mathilde Caron started as a CIFRE PhD student, jointly supervised by Julien Mairal, and Armand Joulin and Piotr Bojanowski at Facebook AI Research.